UPC Preparatory Committee Report – additional business


In addition to the important announcements made on fees following the UPC Preparatory Committee meeting on 24/25 Feb 2016, a number of other matters were discussed at the meeting.  Conclusive agreement was reached on the Rules governing the Registry of the UPC and the Rules of Procedure of the Advisory Committee and on the Protocol on Privileges and Immunities. The level of judicial salaries was agreed by vote, but recruitment of judges was postponed until spring 2016 to enable some further detail to be added to the process.  Member States have made good progress towards ratification, and it is envisaged that, with several intending to ratify in 2016, the Court will open with more than the necessary number of thirteen parties.

The few remaining meetings of the Preparatory Committee will now be held at actual UPC court venues, including the next meeting, which will be held at the UPC Court of Appeal in Luxembourg.  The Preparatory Committee work is still on track to be completed by summer 2016.

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