Milan and UPC sign an agreement on third seat
On 26 January 2024, a significant step forward took place in relation to the UPC and the third seat of the Central Division in Italy as the Headquarters Agreement was finalised. This agreement follows the Administrative Committee of the UPC’s decision last June to establish a section of the Central Division of the UPC in Milan, replacing London as the seat with responsibility for human necessities, comprising the pharmaceutical and medical device industries, the agricultural industry, the food industry, the tobacco industry, the home appliances industry, the clothing industry, the wood and furniture industry, the fire-fighting industry, and the sports and gaming industry. It also comes after the International Training Days for the UPC were held in Milan in November. The formal signing took place at the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with Nicola Verola representing Italy as the Director General for Europe, and Klaus Grabinski, the President of the Court of Appeal, signing for the UPC.
A press release from the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs can be accessed here.