A draft law enabling Latvia to ratify the Unified Patent Court (UPC) Agreement has today been passed in its second reading in the Saeima (Latvia’s unicameral parliament). The vote was unaminously in favour of the bill, following agreement on some minor changes proposed by the Foreign Affairs Committee. The bill is now likely to be adopted in its third reading by the Saeima (after a final examination by the Foreign Affairs Committee), and then forwarded to the President for assent.
As reported here, another draft law relating to the UPC is also passing through the Saeima. This bill is to enable Latvia to ratify the Agreement on a Nordic-Baltic regional division of the UPC (which Latvia, Sweden, Lithuania and Estonia have signed). It was passed in its first reading in the Saeima on 16 February 2017, and is now being considered by the Foreign Affairs Committee before it receives its second reading.