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UPC IT system developments


The beta test site of the UPC Case Management and eFiling system (CMS, accessible here) now includes the first iteration of the feature “My firm”, which allows a user to create a firm account (that user becoming the firm administrator).  As regards integration of third party software with the CMS, from 11 April 2016 developers will be able to register on the developers portal (accessible here) and request authorised access to the API (application programming interface) under development.  Also, it is possible that a list of third party software developers and products that will support integration with the CMS will be published.  Requests to be included on such a list should be emailed to with the subject heading ‘Register 3rd Party Software’ and the following information: Company Name, Software Product/Service and Proposed Integration with the Court.  To subscribe to receive updates on the UPC CMS development, please click here.

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