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UPC IT system developments continue


The Unified Patent Court (UPC) IT team announced on 10 February 2017 the following:

  • Several updates to the beta test site of the UPC Case Management System have been released. These include the functionality to generate a list of documents for a case (with attachments) for download, the re-configuration of Preliminary Objection and Defence as independent steps, and improvements to automated notifications/alerts and meetings management.
  • A new version of the public API (Application Program Interface) for opt-outs has been released in the developers portal. (The opt-out API will make ‘bulk’ opt-outs much easier, by, for example, enabling a list of patents to be submitted.
  • Work with the EPO IT team to integrate the UPC and EPO IT systems is progressing well, with the teams currently developing interfaces and workflows for integration with the EPO data repositories.

As reported here, the UPC Preparatory Committee’s latest timetable, with the ‘sunrise period’ – during which opt-out applications may be submitted – starting in September 2017 and the Court opening in December, has taken into account the time required for completion of the IT system.

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