Two bills concerning the Unified Patent Court (UPC) were passed by the Seimas (Lithuania’s unicameral parliament) on 3 November 2016, and registered in the Registry of Legal Acts on 8 November 2016. One was the Law on ratification of the Agreement on a UPC (here), which enables Lithuania to ratify the UPC Agreement and comes into force on 1 July 2017, with the exception of Article 2, which came into force on 9 November 2016. Article 2 provides that by 1 June 2017: (a) the government will appoint the Lithuanian representatives on the UPC Administrative and Budget Committees; and (b) the Judicial Council will submit a proposal for the appointment of the Lithuanian representative on the UPC Advisory Committee (which advises on the appointment of UPC judges). The other was the Law on ratification of the Agreement on the establishment of a Nordic-Baltic regional division of the UPC (here), which also comes into force on 1 July 2017, and enables Lithuania to form, with Sweden, Estonia and Latvia, a regional division of the UPC. That Law designates the court premises of the Vilnius Regional Administrative Court as the venue to hear cases in the regional division of the UPC that are allocated to Lithuania. (The regional division will be able to come into operation with only Lithuania and Sweden participating.)