EUROCHAMBRES’ message to Competitiveness Council on UPC
The EU Competitiveness Council has reported that in its meeting yesterday it took note of information on the state of play of the unitary patent and Unified Patent Court (UPC). That information, published on 8 May 2018, was the status of ratification of the UPC Agreement, the UPC Agreement’s Protocol on Provisional Application and the UPC’s Protocol on Privileges and Immunities. Before yesterday’s meeting, EUROCHAMBRES tweeted that it had sent the following message to the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU:
“We welcome last month’s ratification of the UPC Agreement by the UK as a significant step towards completion of the overall ratification process. We encourage those EU member states that still need to complete measures at national level in order to allow the entry into force of the UPC Agreement to do so swiftly. I urge you to ensure that this message is conveyed and recognized during the 28-29 May Competitiveness Council that you will chair.”
EUROCHAMBRES represents over 20 million businesses in Europe, more than 93% of which are SMEs.