Draft UPC EPLC Rules amended to include additional Italian qualification
The Preparatory Committee of the Unified Patent Court (UPC) has recently announced its decision to add a further qualification which would allow a European Patent Attorney to represent a party in the UPC during a transitional period (of one year from entry into force of the UPC Agreement). This qualification, the Certificato di superamento dell’esame conclusivo del Corso di Proprietà Industriale – Brevetti (Certificate following the final exam of the Industrial Property Course – Patents), is provided by the Politecnico di Milano. The Preparatory Committee has published a revised draft of the EPLC Rules (the rules on the European Patent Litigation Certificate and other appropriate qualifications which entitle European Patent Attorneys to represent parties before the UPC pursuant to Article 48 (2) of the UPC Agreement), which includes this Certificate from the Politecnico di Milano in the qualifications and courses listed in Rule 12 (‘Other qualifications during a transitional period’). A course provided by the University of Milan, the Corso di Perfezionamento in Brevettistica (Specialisation course in patent studies) was already listed.
Revised draft EPLC Rules, Explanatory Memorandum

Liz Cohen