English now the dominant language in the UPC – and guiding principles from the Court of Appeal for applications to change the language of proceedings
As readers may recall from a previous post on UPC statistics, the UPC now publishes a monthly report detailing statistics of its case load since commencing operations in June 2023. Yesterday, the UPC published the most recent update, confirming that English is now, for the first time, the predominant language in UPC proceedings. 48% of proceedings at the UPC are now in English (with 45% in German).
This has been expected for some time now, following an influx of new cases being filed in English across the Local and Regional Divisions and a string of successful applications under Article 49(5) of the UPC Agreement (UPCA) and Rule 323 Rules of Procedure (RoP) to change the language of ongoing proceedings to English.
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Eden Winlow

Rebecca Daramola